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Past, Present, and Promises
Patricia H. Graham
Our first story is called White Shine of Appalachia. Take a journey, with our nameless narrator, through the towns of Baconton, Georgia to Rabun Gap, Georgia. Our narrator struggles with domestic violence, moonshining, and a somewhat voluptuous school teacher accused of sleeping with her husband. The ATF and DEA are hot on her husband's trail for attempted murder. She now must a make a decision in order to survive her husband's rampage, which ends in the mountains of Appalachia.Our second story is called Small Town Girl. A young divorcee, Gwen, is trying to make a new life for herself. Gwen leaves the only life she has ever known to take a job in another state. Unforeseen events bring about some twists and turns, and Gwen has to face her past once again.
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