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The Changeling
Christopher Shields
“There’s Darkness in the Wilds”

It has been only one year since sixteen-year-old Maggie O'Shea moved to the Ozark Mountains and was declared Steward of the Weald, the most sacred realm of the Fae, mythical beings with both enormous and sinister powers, who often take the form of humans. Her life has been in extreme peril before, but never more so than now. Her younger brother, Mitch, has been kidnapped by a rogue band of Fae and the demand is simple: leave the Weald and her new life behind or else her brother dies. Now Maggie's on a breakneck race to save her brother, her family and friends, and perhaps all of humankind from a threat more insidious than anyone can imagine.

The Weald Fae Journals continue...
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