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Speaking Peace: Connecting with Others Through Nonviolent Communication
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Our words have the power to create profound healing-or incredible suffering. Yet even with the best intentions, it is often difficult to express ourselves in ways that build harmony and trust. Speaking Peace presents a seminal four-part model you can use immediately to connect to the spirit of love and generosity within you, and start contributing to the wellbeing of everyone you relate to. Join Marshall Rosenberg, the visionary author of Nonviolent Communication, to learn: How to use your natural empathy to defuse stressful situations and safely confront anger, fear, and other emotions * Proven skills for overcoming "dehumanizing" communication patterns that block compassion * How to see through the eyes of others to foster understanding, and more. When you convey "what is alive in you"-your true feelings, and the values and desires behind them-you establish honest, nurturing relationships that eventually fulfill everyone's needs, teaches Marshall Rosenberg. Align your speech with your heart's purest depths with Speaking Peace.
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