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Between Husband & Wife
Stephen E. Lamb
Marriage, as ordained by a loving Father in Heaven, brings two souls together on the path toward His presence. And the special intimacy that can exist between a righteous husband and wife serves to ennoble and enhance their union. But, for too many, intimacy can become a source of guilt, frustration, and even conflict.

Where does a member of the LDS church go for guidance when faced with questions on this sensitive subject? Where can a young man or woman contemplating marriage turn for a clear, gospel-based understanding of intimacy? What medical insights are available for middle-aged and older LDS couples who want to improve or revitalize this aspect of their relationship?

Professor Brinley and Dr. Lamb have gathered the teachings and testimonies of modern prophets, together with current medical research, to offer a simple and consistent gospel-based discussion of intimacy.

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