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Richard Wurmbrand
Alone in a Windowless Cell. . . Richard Wurmbrand had plenty of time to think during his fourteen years in a Communist prison. He reflected on his life, his world, and especially his Creator. His fellow prisoners included other pastors, theologians, and Bible scholars. They shared ideas and insights, and even preached sermons to each other. The captivity he endured included three years of solitary confinement. Although deprived of human companionship, he remained in intimate communion with God. He examined in depth the revelation of the Bible and its mandates for the Christian life. His meditations from those years are provocative, challenging, sometimes disturbing. They are the thoughts of a man who has been close to God and close to death. After reading his contemplations, you will read the Bible with a fresh perspective. You will look on your fellow man in a different light. You may even live in a new way.
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