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A Carnivore's Inquiry
Sabina Murray
Twenty-three year old Katherine has just left Italy for New York City, but what has propelled her there is a mystery. She strikes up an affair with an older Russian �migr� novelist met on the subway and moves into his apartment. But her allusions to a frighteningly eccentric mother and tyrannical father suggest a somberness at the center of her otherwise flippant and sardonic demeanor. Restless, she journeys from literary New York to rural Maine then across the US and into Mexico, trailed everywhere she goes by a string of murders. As the ritualistic killings begin to pile up, Katherine comforts and inspires herself by meditating on cannibalism in literature, art and history in subjects as diverse as Donner, Dante's Count Ugolino, and Gericault's The Raft of the Medusa. Slowly Katherine realizes that at the center of the mysterious deaths lies a bloody truth-something is making itself known. As the story races towards its frightening conclusion, Katherine, and the reader, close in on the true reason for her fascination with aberrant, violent behavior.

This is a novel of ideas, a shocking and enlightening modern Gothic and a brilliantly subtle commentary on 21st century consumerism and western culture's obsession with new frontiers. Told in highly intelligent prose, A Carnivore's Inquiry is a sly, unsettling exploration of the questionable appetites that lurk beneath the veneer of civilization.

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