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My Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Hell
L.D. Ablo
Written primarily for Christians and others who say they believe in God, My Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Hell cleverly challenges the seriousness of one’s stated belief. Most believers realize God has a will and many express a sincere desire to fulfill it. But the Bible clearly teaches that Satan also has a will, and Satan goes about setting traps to take captive to his will those who fail to escape from his devices. (2 Timothy 2:26). L.D. Ablo, writing from Satan’s perspective, sets forth Satan’s will in seven self-evident and easily followed rules of his kingdom. The reader discovers that virtually anyone can effortlessly follow Satan’s commands completely. Perhaps surprisingly, the reader also finds that many Christians do follow Satan's commands, which is why Christians will find Ablo’s book an invaluable tool for avoiding Satan’s traps and understanding God’s will more fully.
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