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Side Effect
| Lorenz Peter
| Lorenz Peter was awarded the 2006 Doug Wright Award for Best Emerging Talent, for his graphic novel Dark Adaptation (Pedlar Press, 2005). Jurors Atom Egoyan, Gail Singer and Chester Brown called Peter's graphic work "sublime." This new Peter title is a collection of almost fifteen years' work. Side Effect is a document of the times from the perspective of a dreamer. The book begins with the first images and ideas that provided the foundation for the work to follow, and progresses in chronological order through the different phases of the artist's early self-publishing career. The name Side Effect came through an examination of our modern lifestyles, which, Peter believes, leads to psychic illness of all orders. At a young age, the author did not understand this concept too well, but went with his feelings, and this book is about feeling one's way through dark passages, not quite "getting it," and being somewhat lost. It's also about resenting popular overproduced entertainment, the evils of advertising, the corruption of souls by corporate powers, and the desire to escape, whether via drugs, obsession, or seclusion. Of course, it also has to be funny It's a comic book It wants to poke fun at these dilemmas, all the while soaking in it. The book shows an obvious progression toward Peter's current refined style. The integrity of the art is uncompromised. This is an "Art Book," for the collector as well as the simply curious.