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The Buried Covenant
Shawn Keenan
Jayke Wolff may be the most overprotected teenager since that bubble kid. It could be the accident he can’t remember, or it could just be his overbearing foster program caseworker. Whatever the cause, enrolling at St. Augustine High is Jayke’s first attempt to pop the bubble.

First day’s not too bad, makes a friend or two, definitely doesn’t mind the blonde sitting in front of him in fifth period. It’s the girl waiting for him when he gets home that makes him reconsider the usefulness of the bubble. Amber has some strange ideas about Jayke, about his past, and about pretty much everything. She wants him in a club she calls the Aduro. Before long, a few more of the Aduro’s overly pierced followers join the recruitment effort. Amber’s a carrot girl, her friends like sticks.

Jayke soon discovers sticks don’t break his bones. Actually, nothing does. But there’s too much competing for Jayke’s attention for him to focus on a little thing like being invincible. There’s that girl in fifth period whose death he inconveniently keeps dreaming about. Jayke’s got a lot to figure out. Life’s not always easy outside the bubble.
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