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Bloody Waters
Jason Franks
Can the Devil be any less trustworthy than a record executive?

Young guitar virtuoso Clarice Marnier is on the verge of success when she crosses the wrong A&R man. Suddenly, instead of being signed to the major label that has been courting her, she finds herself blacklisted across the industry.

So Clarice makes a different kind of deal with the Devil; one that will give her a second chance at the expense of the enemy who cost her the first one.

Soon Clarice and her band, Bloody Waters, are on their way to stardom... but it’s not an easy road. Clarice feuds with a disgruntled diva; busybody Wiccans lay a curse on the band; a has-been guitar hero wants to compete for the ‘Guitar Mojo’; a succubus popstar wants Clarice to play on her record. And then things really start to get dangerous.

Cracking the Top 10 is one thing; gunfights with the Vatican Mafia and magical duels with a killer DJ are quite another.

Sooner or later Clarice is going to have to confront the Devil himself – the only question is whether she’ll be alive or dead when it happens.
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