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Diary of a Parallel Man by Mahershalalhashbaz
David Elham
Imagine a world where God is a proven reality. Adam and Eve have passed the test of obedience and have been granted everlasting life for themselves and their offspring.

What if a man born in that world suddenly found himself in ours?

This is the story of Mahershallalhashbaz, told in his own words.
It is the story of a massive clash of cultures, of ethics, of truths; the story of a man who deals only in absolutes having to live in a world where nothing is certain, where people struggle with conflicting beliefs, and live only to die.

Surviving on Manchester’s streets, he relies on the one person to have shown him kindness in this bewildering reality, a young woman named Kirsty.
She is a staunch atheist – he knows that God exists for sure. But as their friendship grows, both of them begin to see life from fresh perspectives.

As he searches for a way to return to his own dimension, he wonders why his God and Father remains ever silent as the innocent suffer and the world’s populace staggers from one disaster to the next.

Why has the Father abandoned them? Is it really as simple as Obey or Die?

David Elham tackles the last taboo head on in this thought provoking, heart wrenching story of spiritual betrayal and human love.
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