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High Heels In Tech
Winsome Campbell-Green
High Heels In Tech isn't just another technology book - its a modern take on how women have helped to revolutionize the field and answers the troubling question of why there is a limited number of women working in the field. Written from the perspective of a modern woman who has worked in the field of technology, the author herself enjoys exploring new and innovative ways in which technology can make your life easier. This riveting pageturner offers practical solutions to help parents encourage their daughters, as well as details of the Author's personal work experience which serves as cutting-edge motivation for women in general to follow their dreams of working in this exciting field of Technology. Winsome Campbell-Green believes every woman should read this book, if not for themselves but to help the next generation of women take their natural place as world leaders. The author masterfully gives the reader some very insightful details of her own experience working in the technology field as well as great tips and secrets most employees and employers can benefit from. High Heels In Tech is also a great book for anyone who is just getting into technology as it is easy to read, the information is relevant, useful and the message of the book will stay with the reader for a very long time.
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