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Where's Opie?: Vanished in Chicago
Donald Ross
"Where's Opie? "allows the reader to ride along with a family of a missing person, Jesse 'Opie' Ross, learn details of his disappearance in Chicago; Share the experiences of a family suddenly thrust into the reality of having a missing son. Learn what it is like day to day, living with this reality and finding the courage to go on.
From the beginning, in shock, learning as you go, you will learn how such an event affects the family, friends, law enforcement, strangers soon to become friends, and even those who would attempt to profit in some way from a family's loss. You will see how a family finds strength in faith and in the love and support of both friends and family.
Many people go through life thinking "it couldn't happen to me" . You do not have to be 'bad' people for bad things to happen; It is often a fickle world and no one is exempt, as you will learn within the pages of this book. Not a work of fiction, but the first hand story by those who live it.
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