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Unlocking Closed Doors
Ikechukwu Joseph
“Unlocking closed doors” provides for you the secrets of victorious and fulfilled Christian living. It tells you how to discover yourself, dream big dreams and actualize your dreams. It is a book that can help you unlock and harness your potentials STANDING WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE, IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND DOING THE RIGHT THINGS CAUSE THE WRONG PEOPLE AND THE WRONG THINGS TO GIVE WAY. When a door is closed against someone, it means solidly that it is closed. Period.. Closed doors. How does it come about? What are the causes, the consequences and the way out? What are the implications and repercussions of closed doors on a person, on a family, land or community, church or business? When the door is closed, it will mean one staying outside with lots of unplanned, uncomfortable, frustrating experiences and even long and short-term negative effects lurking around. The rain will fall. The scorching sun will intensify. The cold winter will increase the heating bills. There will be enormous environmental, psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma. The effects of closed doors are pronounced in and around. They stare the seemly helpless victims in the face with its dread and fright. The truth is that these victims can become victors if we learn to trust the only one who when he opens, no one can close and who when he closes, no one can open. He is the master builder, the master of the ocean, the sea and the sky. The anointing destroys the yoke.
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