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Haee: The Cat with a Crooked Tail
R.S. Vern
Haee is a middling cat with an unusually long and crooked tail. He leads a comfortable and sheltered life since young. Curious and fearless, he decides to venture out one day.

As he dives into his adventures, Haee meets two other middlings, Tom and Jane. He begins a new life in a very much-contained world that is oddly structured. At first, he has trouble living with the rules set by Jane. But he gets used to the system very soon.

Over time, he becomes bored and restless and decides to venture out of the comforts of the house.

Armed with curiosity and a thirst to seek out the extraordinary, Haee becomes known as the non-attached cat – one who rejects the discipline of the home and yet desires some form of security.

This is the basic version. Interactive animated version is also available.
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