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When, Why-- If: An Ethics Workbook
Robin Wood
This is a workbook dealing with ethics from a Pagan/Wiccan perspective.

I began writing it several years ago, because folk kept asking me questions about right and wrong. I tried to tell them they should be asking their teachers these questions; but some of them didn't have teachers, and some had teachers who didn't seem very interested in the topic.

So I wrote the book; not to tell you what you should do, but to tell you how you can figure out for yourself which is the best thing for you to do. I'm not a guru, and I don't have all the answers; only you have your answers. And if you work through this book, you may have a better idea what they are.

It has an introduction, 9 chapters (The Beginning, Honesty, Self, Love, Help, Harm, Sex, Will and Ethics,) an Appendix that explains modern Neo-Pagan Wicca in six pages, a glossary of Pagan/Wiccan terms, and a recommended reading list.

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