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الرحيق المختوم
| Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri
| From the Publisher's Note:
Someone asked 'Aishah (radi allahu anha) about the noble character and manners of the Prophet (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam). She answered: "Have you not read the Qur'an? His character is a complete explanation of the Qur'an."
It means that whatever is commanded and prohibited in the Qur'an, its practical example is present in the manners of Muhammad (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam). In other words, the ideal and perfect example of good manners and character which the Qur'an demands from mankind, was present in the person of Muhammad (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam) in its highest degree.
Scholars of Ahadith (traditions) and writers of the biography of Muhammad (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam), the Messenger of Allah, have explored his life from every angle and aspect from birth to death. Every event, every incident of his life has been described and narrated, but none had claimed that he has given his life's recording its full rights. Hundreds of books have been written on the life of Muhammad (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam) and this endeavor will continue till the Day of Resurrection.
This book has been written by the Eminent Sheikh Saifur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri of Jamiah Salafiyah, Banaras (India) and is the winner of the first Islamic Conference on Seerah (biography of the Prophet (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam)), which was held in 1976 in Pakistan by the Muslim World League.
Love of Allah's Messenger (sallalaahu alayhi wasallam) is a part of our Faith and to love him, it is essential to know him, as every deed of his life is to be followed by every individual of the Muslim Ummah.