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The Magical Elven Love Letters
Silver Elves
The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, is composed of the letters that were written by the Silver Elves and sent out via snail mail beginning in 1979 and until the mid nineties before the awakening of the internet. They were written to encourage elves to awaken to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. This is the second printing of these letters and they have been slightly modified to increase clarity. They are also interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings.
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