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Freedom Alert
Nelson Pahl
Award-winning, small press writer Nelson Pahl makes a seamless transition from literary fiction to pop fiction, as he spins this pedal-to-the-floor yarn featuring International Bureau of Anti-Terrorism (IBAT) operative Cole Slaven. When a popular, multicultural Toronto café is leveled, Cole’s called in from a Belize vacation to investigate. What he finds is a body count that continues to pile up while the terrorists batter Canada’s national pride and cut deeper and deeper into Cole’s already-tattered psyche. Reeling more and more as each subsequent bombing hits closer and closer to home, Cole must race to save both his native countrymen and his own sanity.

Pahl’s writer discipline, his love for word efficiency, and his unique “Vignette Style” story compilation ensure that Freedom Alert contains no mundane “filler” (designed to raise book prices) but instead acts a full-tilt ahead novel any spy fiction enthusiast will relish.

Available in Kindle format (mobi) at Amazon and in ePub format (Nook, Kobo, Sony, etc.) at Kobo.
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