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Solomon's Tale: A Wise Cat Helps a Family in Crisis
| Sheila Mary Jeffries
| Solomon's Tale is a gripping story with strong emotion, humor, and gritty relationship themes. Sheila Jeffries has also woven a thread of spirituality throughout the tale, which focuses on reincarnation, angels, and how the soul survives death. Solomon, a cat who can see angels, who is chosen to be born again to help a family endure traumas of separation and poverty, narrates the quirky but heartwarming adventure. Solomon embarks on a perilous journey to find his home. He falls in love with another cat, Jessica, whose outrageous behavior brings life and humor into the challenging situations he must face, including the repossession of his family home, relocation to a cramped caravan, and a lonely, desperate time of surviving the wild. A tear-jerker with an interesting twist at the end, Solomon's Tale will make you laugh and cry and lift your spirits. It was inspired by two real cats and will appeal to fans of cats and spiritual fiction.