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Lament for a Son
| Nicholas Wolterstorff
| To those who are left behind, the death of a friend or family member is a beginning as much as an end. For the author of this book, who lost his 25-year-old son Eric in a mountain climbing accident, it meant the start of a long, unwanted journey to come to terms with his grief -- and the "unanswered questions" of his wounded spirit. Lament for a Son avoids easy answers about suffering. Its honest depiction of one man's struggle will help open the floodgates for those who cannot find words for their own pain.Henri J. M. Nouwen
A true gift to those who grieve and those who, in love, reach out to comfort.
Walter Wangerin
Wolterstorff inquires us Job inquired. He is honest and utterly resistant to cheap answers about death...and to any answers at all...He looks, without foolish giddiness or delusion, but in faith, to the day that Death shall be overcome -- and he takes his place beside all who suffer. A miracle.