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Lita: A Less Traveled R.O.A.D.--The Reality of Amy Dumas (WWE)
Amy Dumas
Taking unexpected risks, daring to do what no one has done before, that's the reality of Amy Dumas, the remarkable woman behind Lita(TM) . With only a guidebook for a companion, Amy set out for Mexico City to learn about "lucha libre," Mexico's professional wrestling. She returned to the States, resolute in her goal to be a professional wrestler.Amy found people who saw her determination and her heart, and agreed to train her. She met a number of wrestlers who would prove influential in her career. Among them were two North Carolina stars who had just signed with World Wrestling Entertainment(TM) -- Matt and Jeff Hardy. Amy formed an instant bond with the brothers; their high-flying bravado inspired her own ring style.

It wasn't long before Amy -- now christened Lita -- joined WWE.(TM) She proved to be a pioneer in women's wrestling. It took a broken neck suffered on the set of a television series to stop her...but only temporarily. "Lita: A Less Traveled R.O.A.D -- The Reality of Amy Dumas" is the stirring tale of one young woman's amazing journey to the top of WWE.
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