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Wedlocked - A (Not-So) Humorous Guide for the Matrimonially Challenged Man
Alexander G. Valley
In 'Wedlocked', Alexander Valley has created a mosaic of life's little ironies, interspersed with all the mystery, intrigue, romance and adventure expected from any self-analysis guide examining the eternal battle between the sexes. Your perfect partner is out there, somewhere. As Western society degrades, you may find it difficult to believe, especially if you currently feel trapped in a dysfunctional relationship. Women are increasingly encouraged to be superficial, materialistic and self-absorbed; men are increasingly told that these are the qualities they must not only accept, but actively seek, in a woman. The author takes us on a horrific tour of madness and mayhem through his past relationships (with names and locations changed to protect the guilty and the innocent!), from the traveling Nymphomaniac to the wife who told him to drive himself and his inconvenient heart attack to the hospital, as her parents happened to be visiting. When you do find the right woman, it's a wonderful thing. But if your current partner is far from being right - if her idea of the perfect Christmas present for her man is a pair of second-hand underpants, or if she ticks most of the boxes in the 26-point Narcissist test, then this book will provide the guidance you need. It'll also provide you with some much needed laughs, and you may just recognise your own predicament in some of the situations it describes. While providing a list of telltale traits to avoid, the author concludes with a surprising secret about how to find your true soulmate - a woman with whom you can share your life, and who will make you truly happy. If you're searching for that secret, you will be amazed how simple it turns out to be.
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