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The Divine Family: Experiential Narratives
Marcelle Bartolo-Abela
In this book, the lived experiences of the author with the Members of the Divine Family and others are presented openly in print for the first time. These experiences occurred from 2010 through 2012. Written predominantly in a dialogical narrative style suitable for believers and non-believers alike, the author chronicles first-hand some of her personal experiences with the archangels Michael and Raphael; demons and Satan, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father.

Topics include a comparative description of the archangels, the reality of Hell and Satan together with the power of consecration to the Almighty Father; the power of sacramental confession, various descriptions of the Virgin Mary, including Her incomparable motherliness, Her power against evil spirits and the unparalleled beauty of Her singing. Descriptions of Jesus Christ include His actions during the illumination of conscience, His presentation by the Father, the immeasurability of His love and the process which ensues between the Father and the Son when the former speaks.

The description of the Holy Spirit portrays Him as a pillar of sweetness and love. Descriptions of God the Father include His manner of being during the illumination, how He is in relationship as a Father, His tirelessness in seeking out His children, the intimacy He profoundly desires and the infinite love of His Divine Heart. The epilogue addresses the deification of the Virgin Mary according to the early Christians and Greek Fathers of the Church.

What readers said:
"Very well written and full of amazing experiences."
"Beautiful and moving."
"Powerful, inspiring."
"Well written and experiences are expressed in clear, easy descriptions."
"It is striking."
"Consumed it...could not put it down...must read it again and again."
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