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What Do You Do with a Chocolate Jesus?
Thomas Quinn
"What Do You Do with a Chocolate Jesus?" is a funny, skeptical, but authentic exploration of the Christian history they don’t teach in Sunday school. It finds humor, irony, and occasional insight amid the inconsistencies, absurdities, hypocrisies, and flat out weirdness that too often passes for eternal truth. Think of it as a history of religion as done by The Daily Show. Pitting actual Scripture against pious propaganda, Thomas Quinn treks through chapter and verse of the New Testament, explores the sordid saga of medieval beliefs (including End-of-the-World panics and fights about what kind of stuff Jesus was made of), and reveals some of the shocking attitudes of America’s founders toward religion. It isn’t always pretty, but it’s usually good for a laugh. If war is too important to leave to the generals, religion is too important to leave to the preachers. Skeptics need evangelists, too.
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