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Annabran Documents, The Holy Book of Pantheism
Want cosmic relationship? Christianity is now renewed by the arrival of the Third Testament written by the woman in the apocalypse, Barbara, as foretold in Revelations. Wait no longer, the Messiah has arrived at last in the twenty-first century to bring humanity to a new understanding of their relationship with the divine cosmos. It reveals a new heaven and a new earth. The Annabran Documents is the book you have always wanted to own, offering a complete space age approach to your spiritual needs and recognition of your being as a miracle of intelligent and communicative matter/energy/space. The Annabran religion reveals the cosmos to be Annabra, the glorious immanent divinity of all matter/energy/space, and enables each individual to live in ongoing cosmic relationship and flourishing. The Annabran Documents help you connect intimately with the knowing and loving Annabra that supports your life and projects in every way.
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