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199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, and Sex Life
| L. B. Sommer
| 199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, and Sex Life is an easy to follow self-help guide that is designed to provide motivated individuals with the necessary ideas and tools to improve all aspects of their relationships. Each of the 199 suggestions and techniques discussed in this book are presented in a brief but thought provoking one page summary that will help you to improve your relationship. The information provided is designed to help you find more peace and satisfaction in your relationship, whether your mate is participating in the process with you or not. Though a majority of the book focuses on commited relationships by couples, much of the information discussed applies to many modern forms of inter-personal relationships - including friendship, family, business, or love relationships. For example, chapters on ways to avoid unnecessary conflict and ways to resolve differences peacefully offer many proven techniques that can be applied to other areas of your life like your work and friendships. The simplistic self-explanatory format of the book allows you to quickly find whatever relevant information you are seeking through the simple to follow table of contents and the section headings in each chapter.