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Discovering Yourself
Ikechukwu Joseph
This self-help, motivational, Inspirational and charismatic self-discovering, heartwarming book offers simple step-by-step instructions on harnessing, developing and transforming your potentials and talents. Its unique advantage is that it is based on the author's actual life experience."
Who are you? Why are you here? What potential deposits are you carrying? What purpose, assignment, calling, destiny, were you created to fulfill. What were you born for? You must discover who you are and how to harness your God-given potentials. This is a must read for all who want to succeed in life no matter your profession. See yourself, evaluate yourself, access yourself and draw from your natural strength and weakness. Failure and inability is not disability. There is ability even in disability. Find out from this book, success nuggets and treasures that will translate your humble attitudes to HIGH ALTITUDES. Good Luck.
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