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How the Wind Demon Been Save' the World
Stephen Roscoe Cooper
In this novel of magical realism, the Wind Demon makes a valiant attempt to save the world and everything in it from humanity’s twin cancers of environmental hubris and endless warfare. His allies include homeless children, bag ladies, certain tribes on the Molecular level, an ancient samurai sword, post-apocalyptic trashcan gladiators, an artist and part-time witch, a cook. His adversary is a corporation of elite players in media, military, government and industry bent on building a secret, high-risk--and highly profitable--hot fusion power plant in lower Manhattan. The Wind’s battleground is a cordoned-off section of the Lower East Side now dubbed “District of Containment” and currently used as an indefinite holding area for dissidents and enemies of the state. "I mean," figured Sideswipe, "you take too much shit away from people, they got nothing to lose, am I right? Pretty soon law an' order, even civilization as we know it–it don't matter to 'em no more." How the Wind Demon Been Save’ the World is the story of a leaderless and highly diverse band of disenfranchised human beings who occupy the ghetto that confines them, and transform it into their own version of the American dream. WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM THE WIND.
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