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Immortal Longings
R.G. Dole
Part I-
Alexandria is a spoiled pure blood vampire that has been given everything she’s ever wanted, except a chance to fall in love with the man of her choosing. Given the opportunity to run away, she takes it, but her hope of love is crushed by betrayal and she finds herself lost and alone with nowhere else to run.

Lucus is a nature loving werewolf and it’s his job to make sure no vampire’s cross into his packs territory. Except when he finds the lone Alexandria passed out from exhaustion he can’t do what he knows needs to be done. Instead in a moment of panic he hides her from the others, and does what he can to protect her from not just from his pack, but from a rogue bunch of vampires that have an unexplainable hatred of Alexandria’s family.

Part II-
Eric is half vampire half werewolf, and in the attempt to discover who he really is, he goes on the hunt to find his parents. To find out the truth about them and why they never came back for him.

Part III-
It is the end. The end of everything they have ever known, and Eric holds the key to final war between vampires and werewolves.
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