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A God of Many Understandings?: The Gospel and Theology of Religions
Todd Miles
Western Christianity’s interaction with world religions used to be, for the most part, overseas. Today, “religious others” often live next door. At a changing time when one public prayer spoken during the 2009 U.S. presidential inauguration festivities was addressed to “O god of our many understandings,” the evangelical Christian church should do more than simply dismiss non-Christian religions as pagan without argument or comment. The Church needs a theology of religions that is Christ-honoring, biblically faithful, intellectually satisfying, compassionate, and that will encourage Spirit-powered mission. Oregon-based theology professor Todd Miles writes to that end in A God of Many Understandings?, attempting, as the scholar Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen puts it, “to think theologically about what it means for Christians to live with people of other faiths and about the relationship of Christianity to other religions.”
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