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The Spiral Library
Evren Sener
Evren Sener’s book, Spiral Library, The Successor, is the story of a young woman’s encounter with forces of mystery as she undergoes tests of courage and loyalty at the hands of her masterful guide and mentor, the Chief Librarian. The title “librarian” might fool you into thinking of a docile, domesticated book shepherd until you discover his wizard-like powers and spiritual wisdom as the head of a library that houses actual human life stories in its book collection.

Soe is a teen selected as candidate for successor to the Chief Librarian and, as such, must undergo twelve nights and days of fierce trials that test her core values and strengths. There are set-backs, revelations about her true self, encounters with strange creatures and temptations that magnetize her adventuresome nature, pulling her into scenes that bring out the best and worst in her.
Follow Soe’s story as she enters the Spiral Library where she experiences incredible things such as driving a chariot pulled by “fire horses”, using secret potions, shape-shifting and trying to help someone escape from his own fantasies.

The author’s own sense of wonder comes through the pages of this book as she takes you on a guided tour of the most unusual library one could ever imagine.

Charise Diamond
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