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The Gokwe Kid - Dick of the Bushveld
Karl Greenberg
War torn Rhodesia 1976. As the last brave bastion of good colonial White supremacy battles the evil might of bad communist backed Black supremacists over the right to turn a breadbasket into a basket case - the finest police force in the world, the British South Africa Police, are given an offer they should have refused ... namely - ME!

Soon realising their terrible mistake, those in the know send L'Enfant Terrible into the sinister depths of the African outback in the hope his contract would be rapidly cancelled by friends and foes alike.

Fully loaded with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder accentuating fifty shifty grey cells, he seeks fame and fortune, wine and women - all for a song and dance - whilst becoming a womanising hustler, liar, drunkard, gambler and thief. Patrol Officer Greenberg - long finger of the law - cause cèlèbre of Rhodesia.

A rather unhinged memoir. Fully illustrated.
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