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Friends 2 Lovers: The Unthinkable
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
It is said that being friends before lovers is a key to a wonderful relationship. When couples are friends first, even when there is no physical loving, there is still caring and communication. Claude and Kelly are friends. The question is do they have what it takes to successfully transition into lovers while keeping their friendship intact for the long haul.

In Friends 2 Lovers: The Unthinkable, high school senior Claude Daniels faces some of the most horrific tragedies life can throw at a person, and his best friend Kelly helps see him through them all. As they move toward adulthood the pair is exploring the possibilities of their relationship and will soon discover if friendship really is the best foundation or if it does more harm than good.

Autobiographer Jonathan Anthony Burkett is back and determined to keep readers up all night with his first work of fiction Friends 2 Lovers: The Unthinkable. Inspired by his personal experiences, Jonathan has crafted a story of the heart to address several crucial relationships issues of our day.

Does support always equate to love? What has to happen for truth to rule over the emotions of a relationship? Can anything kill a friendship? Find out if Claude and Kelly can answer these and many others questions in Friends 2 Lovers: The Unthinkable.
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