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From Guam to Crown City Coronado (Thanks to Hermann, Missouri): A Journey in Poesy
Mariecor Ruediger
Written by a military veteran's wife, this book of poetry chronicles the author's journey from the island of Guam, to undergraduate years in Spokane WA, and then onto her quest for love, until at last she gets married to a Missouri cowboy in the US Navy, and thus begins life as a military spouse and homemaker on Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado CA. The book reads like a biography but is creatively set in poetry format.

Reviews on the book's back cover include:

“…Many familiar locations where I have been and experienced, I enjoyed the reminiscing…”
- B. Angus MacDonald, Captain, USN (Ret.)

“…Heart-felt and revealing…”
- Joyce Churchill, Retired Missouri Educator (Gasconade County)

“…A substantial piece of work…”
- Brian F. McCabe, Outreach Editor, FOOTHILL: A JOURNAL OF POETRY
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