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In Search of the Miraculous: Healing Into Consciousness
| Eliza Mada Dalian
| In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness is an invaluable spiritual manual to each person s journey out of pain and suffering. It imparts an in-depth understanding about the complexities of our spiritual journey, and covers many questions left unanswered by others. The author guides readers through the phases of the development of their ego and consciousness, and describes the steps we all need to take to heal our ego into consciousness. Most chapters are followed by question and answer sections; making the topics covered in each chapter more personal and down-to-earth. The author s own story at the end of the book, described in the chapter One Spirit s Journey, beautifully exemplifies how she herself has walked the talk that she now teaches to others. This book might be this year s best offering in the field of spirituality and personal growth, and is here to stay for a long time to come.