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Diet Success Strategies: 67 Ways to Take Control of Your Food and Your Life
Alan Aronoff
An astonishing number of people throughout the world are unhappy with their weight, health, and energy level. While many see a change in diet as their solution, and guidance is readily available from a host of books and experts, why is it so often said that diets don't work? In his book, Diet Success Strategies, author Alan Aronoff explains that diets often don't work because people don't stay on them long enough to see results, and more importantly, create new eating habits. This in-depth yet straightforward book reveals that people often fail to sustain a change in diet because their efforts are based solely on self-discipline. The author suggests a new, far more effective approach—the creation of a personal Diet Management System based on strategies. With 67 monthly, weekly, daily, and even hourly strategies provided, the vast majority of people can find solutions that meet their needs, schedules, and goals.
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