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An Impossible Dream Story
J.V. Petretta
He learned early on that life without a dream is not worth living, so Vinny dreamed big time, striving to live his life to the fullest. Pursuing that dream would take him on a raging whirlpool of life, slamming him often to the extreme outward fringes to be bashed and broken, only to be sucked back for more. You will follow his adventures from the humble beginnings of a three-room school house, to surviving childhood abuse, to tuberculosis, and through the perils of war—to become a leader and successful business and family man. You will meet the many loves of his life, one of which is peddling his bicycle to anywhere his mind and tired legs will take him. Then, you will witness his self-destruction, his fall to that lowly humble place called grace—to a point where there was nothing left but an impossible dream. All he wanted was to be somebody’s hero.
This is An Impossible Dream Story, a work of fiction, songs, and poems inspired by many true events in my life. All portions of this story have been fictionalized, some to enhance understanding, some to lessen my own embarrassment, a few embellished to dramatize situations and a couple came out of thin air. As was true with the story line, so is it with characters, companies, and companions. Some public identities were fictitiously used in a clearly historical context. All other names have been changed, some intended to protect the innocent, a few altered to protect the guilty, a couple created from scratch, and the balance reinvented to be more interesting. In other words, this is a product of my imagination. By disclaimer, any resemblance of actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales used in this book is purely coincidental.
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