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Thy Kingdom Come: Piercing the Sacred Veil
Mia DiDio
There's no more wondering if Heaven and hell are real.
Archangels caution: "Be careful for what you cannot see."

THY KINGDOM COME tells the true story of a paranormal researcher, working with voices of the dead had become voices of the Angels.

In 2009, a negative entity gained entrance to my life; seeped in from the ghost world I explored. I knew it was there for I'd heard the battle against my spiritual family in recordings I collected. And my prayers to God went unrequited. Instead He delivered a message: "Call them!"

And I knew. Only Warrior Archangels could triumph against the heinous Dark One.

Yes, angels responded. Just as God commanded, they proved their certainty. Though terror and wonder consumed me, their leadership through the invisible chambers behind the Sacred Veil crossed thresholds I did not want to go for I too had to battle the Dark One.

All in God's plan.

While I clung to the valiant wings of His High Angels and the shear threads of the Lord's garment itself, that His purpose was mine to inherit, THY KINGDOME COME had truly come for us all; all to be the witness; all for us to hear.
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