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Lies That Bind
Delinda McCann
President Jake Jaconovich is the second president elected under the new constitution of an emerging nation. He and his party are working to bring rule of law, human rights and economic stability to a country formerly run on a system of extortion, exploitation, bribes and gang warfare. Problems with rioters and terrorism are epidemic in his country extending even into his own household. Everything he says in private, every random thought or jest gets blown out of proportion and reported to the worst of the opposition press.

Celia Louise Jones-McKinsey is an ex-schoolteacher. She has become a hostage in her own home as she cares for a husband with dementia. She knows she is exhausted from taking care of others. She was a caregiver long began long before her husband became ill as she raised his son with multiple disabilities. She is beginning to think that her life of caring for others is destroying her body and soul. What Celia fails to realize is that her web site on caring for dementia patients has come to the attention of President Jake.

The story opens when President Jake makes a special stop in Victoria BC to visit Celia. After the initial awkwardness of their first meeting Jake and Celia find that they have much in common including a mutual physical attraction. When Celia is finally free for a week to visit Jake's country, he seduces her into bringing her senile husband and moving to his country by introducing her to the plight of the children orphaned by the recent economic crash. Celia leaves her home to escape her life and family and to be with Jake. When she settles into her new home she finds one hundred six children, nine puppies, a serial bomber, numerous rioters, a snitch, a slave trader, a passion for football, a plethora of helicopters and a host of characters to keep things lively.

At one point Celia asks Jake if their lives will ever be ordinary. He answers, "We've had the occasional breakfast together or dinner in our rooms that is ordinary."

"And between breakfast and dinner?" Celia asks.

"All hell breaks loose." Jake acknowledges.

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