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Modern Buddhism: The Path of Compassion and Wisdom: Volume 1 Sutra
| Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
| A dynamic and comprehensive presentation of Buddha’s teachings, including practical explanations on how to attain lasting happiness and freedom from problems for ourselves and others. With clear and accessible language, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso guides the reader from the fundamentals of Buddhist meditation and philosophy, through a powerful explanation of the true nature of reality, to reveal the preciousness of Tantra—offering the paths to liberation and enlightenment to modern, busy people. A brief history of Kadampa Buddhism shows how Buddha’s timeless teachings have traveled from teacher to student over thousands of years, and how Buddhists in the West are now applying what was once available only to mystics and monks—practical advice to solve our daily problems and accomplish the real meaning of our human life. This inspiring handbook for daily practice is designed for those seeking solutions within Buddhism to the problems of everyday life, as well as to encourage people of all faiths to deepen their understanding and enjoyment of the spiritual paths.
Si cultivamos la compasión y la sabiduría y las mantenemos en nuestras actividades diarias, podemos transformar nuestra vida, mejorar nuestras relaciones con los demás y ver más allá de las apariencias para comprender cómo son las cosas en realidad. De este modo, seremos capaces de solucionar todos nuestros problemas cotidianos y daremos verdadero sentido a nuestra vida. Con las alas de la compasión y la sabiduría es posible alcanzar con rapidez el mundo iluminado de un Buda.
Budismo moderno revela cómo todos los aspectos del budismo –desde el más básico hasta el más profundo– pueden ser aplicados de manera práctica para solucionar nuestros problemas diarios y experimentar paz interior y felicidad.