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In Great Company
Michael J. Seidlinger
"You'll never be alone in hating me and you'll never be alone in fighting to keep me interested."

There, in that non-space of the pseudo-social, the About Me box demands the pouring of your identity representation for all to see, to judge, to imitate, to ignore. And what begins as a self-expression balloons in continuous polemic, as though the very words in that confined box threaten to dismantle the social media architecture itself. A blistering, poignant howl against that illusory digital kingdom of the frivolous and the condemned ego on display. Truly an anti-social media novel. The input box awaits: login.

“I've never read anything like this before: A disembodied voice that comes from the Internet, like Notes from the Underground but even more underground.”

Noah Cicero, author of Best Behavior.

“If a single mouth grabbed up every blog and squeezed them crush-tight in its jaw, then the bursting shrapnel, the blog-ooze running liquid down screens, it would be Michael J Seidlinger’s In Great Company, an unsympathetic and computerized rant, a book readily swimming in ego.”

J. A. Tyler, author of A Man of Glass & All the Ways We Have Failed

“Our relationship to the egotistical narrator’s slippery, yet bold monologue steers the refreshingly unique approach to plot through the dark undercurrents of social networking. The masterfully navigated urgency carries us through its wavelets of nuance. The book begins by treating us with ironic disdain, so we are put in an unusual vigilant state of mind yet we agree to slipstream. As with a similar method in hypnosis, it startles us awake inside the trance.”

Tantra Bensko, author of Lucid Membrane
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