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Stacy's Story
John J. Blenkush
"...the pages fly by. Blenkush's second thriller holds the reader in its terrifying,suspenseful grip from the first day the couple sets up their campsite all the way to the explosive climax. With Stacy, Blenkush has created a memorable protagonist
who's appealingly courageous and strong-willed." ~ Kirkus Reviews

"Powerful and emotionally overwhelming. I cried at the end. An incredible story. I highly recommend it." ~ Melissa Brown Levine, Independent Professional Book Reviewers

4 stars! 8 Dec 2012
Gripping from start to end. Full of real life emotion. Makes you wonder how you would survive these circumstances! Did not want to put down until I finished! ~ Margaret T

"Thought this book was amazing. I am not into dark stories about kidnap etc but as soon as I started to read I just couldn't stop. Very sad, heroic but with a very bright ending. Brilliant, and would recommend to others." ~ A.Niriain

What would you do if someone obliterated life as you know it and stole your future? Give up? Lie down and die? Fight back? Maim? Destroy? Even kill? How far would you go to save self?

Stacy Freeman grew up in Long Beach, CA, a coddled LA Valley girl. Hers was an idyllic world, absent of strife until, as a teen, she watched her twin sister succumb to a
rare disease. Stacy vowed then and there to do everything she could to nurture and defend life. She became a nurse, married her soul mate, Cory, and set her sights on their future, dreaming of the day they would create life together by giving birth to a child.

And then, while on a back-packing trip into the northern California wilderness, her life and her dreams are changed forever. For five days she is imprisoned in a look-out tower, physically and psychologically traumatized by the fire
tower's caretaker.

How Stacy converts abject fear into unrelenting courage in order to survive is her story.
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