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A Taste for Green Tangerines
| Barbara Bisco
| Set in the midst of the Indonesian rainforest, A TASTE FOR GREEN TANGERINES begins with Bethany Parker's arrival in Borneo and explores the limits of friendship and the consequences of love amidst a small band of Europeans, Americans, and Australians working on an eco-tourism project there. As they battle loggers and gold miners, experiment with local medicines, and selectively adopt the ways of a traditional culture, passions are inflamed, long-held values are shattered, and perspectives are altered by the savagery and beauty of their jungle surroundings. When out-of-control fires, a toxic 'haze' and the blood-drenched practices of the head hunters finally drive them from their leafy 'Eden', no one, least of all Bethany, herself, emerges from the steamy isolation unchanged.