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Temporary Power Outages
Sandra Lott
When we think of the word "temporary," we think of momentary, just for a season, not lasting forever, or just for a little while. God allows situations, things and people in our lives, to have a temporary status because He knows what's best for us. No one wants to hurt physically or emotionally for a long period of time. God was gracious enough to provide us with the term, "temporary." He said, Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." "Temporary Power Outages," shows how people of God still have trials, tribulations, and obstacles in our life, but glory to God, we can be overcomers. So many people feel that being a Christian means your troubles are over. Some people even feel that they are unworthy of God's love and His blessings. Meanwhile, there are others who feel that since they are saved, they have everything in the bag. The author of this book struggled with her identity early in childhood and continued to struggle throughout part of her adult life. Only God knew how she felt about life and how disappointing it was at times. The author shares her many encounters with God throughout her life and how He kept her from Satan's snares. She wants the world to know that it really is not about us, but about God and the sacrifice He made by giving His only Son for our sins.
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