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Left in His Closet
Mary Krome

She doesn't know if he knew who he was when they got married. All she knows is the truth lies somewhere in his coming out, a process she is ill-equipped to understand, much less explain. Soledad runs away, inventing a new past each time a man learns of her fourteen-year marriage to Bob. Carlos and Ana ignore their daughter's needs after Nita accidentally overhears Jim talking to his lover. Judy struggles with the reaction of her children when they discover their family's twenty-year secret Left in His Closet. These three courageous women are friends, mothers, sisters, children, and the ex-wives of the men they loved; men who didn't leave them for another woman, but rather, a man. Because of circumstances they cannot control, each woman clarifies that which she has yet to make peace with herself her own identity. By trying to fit the illogical into a logical framework and drawing conclusions with limited information, each woman finds herself trapped in a moral and political debate where black and white no longer exists. Swallowed up by shades of gray, they move on. Some slowly, picking up a shattered image of a happy marriage; others quickly, looking for the first man that will make them feel like a woman again; and others methodically, immersing themselves in helping others through similar experiences so they can make sense of their lives. Left in His Closet opens the doors of understanding to the lesser defined experience the straight spouse of gay mate.

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