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The Camp of the Saints
Jean Raspail
By the year 200A there will on present projections be seven million people swarming on the surface of the Earth. And only nine hundred million of them will be white. What will happen when the teeming billions of the so-called Third World - driven by unbearable hunger and despair, the inevitable consequences of insensate over population - descend locust-like on the lush lands of the complacent white nations?
Jean Raspail has the rare imagination and courage necessary to face this terrifying question head-on. Readers of whatever colour and political persuasion will find in The Camp of the Saints (already a bestseller in France & America) a hypnotically readable novel of compelling power that will disturb, provoke and horrify them by turns. And so powerful is its impact that once you have read it you will need brain surgery to forget it. description =(the blurb on the back cover)
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