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The Orphaned Anything's: Memoir of a Lesser Known
stephen christian
An im up, what more do you want from me? sticker hideously controls the back of Ayden Kosacov s bedroom door. In his mind what started as a joke is slowly becoming his glorious and underrated mantra . Ayden Kosacov is alive, and that is about all you can say. In the throws of a mundane and jejune life Ayden is slowly coming to the realization that if all his world is a stage than he wouldn t care if he did or did not miss the final scenes. Through an almost accidental suicide attempt and the recovery that soon follows, Ayden learns that there is more to living than just being alive. Finding his way through diverse experiences and people he comes to terms with God, his family, and finally himself. "The Orphaned Anything s" style of writing is in the likes of Dennis Johnson ("Jesus Son") and Dave Eggers ("A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius") and yet designed to give life lessons, encouragement, and hope like books by Paulo Coelho ("The Alchemist") and Donald Miller ("Blue Like Jazz").
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