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A Lament of Moonlight
Travis Simmons
Darkness has crept into the Fey Forest, and the world is in peril.

In a time before Melvin, Abigail and Ruby can remember there was a storm. This wasn’t a normal storm, but instead one of fire and rock from space. With the storm the fabric keeping chaos at bay fractured, and darkness slipped in. Now a Dark Goddess is called from a world far distant from O, and her follower Cailleach Bheur is determine to make O into the perfect home to house her perverse reign. But there is hope in the three Bordeaux youths for they are harbingers of light and hold a power to keep the shadows at bay. They have only one night in which to act; one night to face Cailleach Bheur and save their home. Will they persevere, or will the world of O fall under the yoke of darkness?
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