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The Queen's Curse
Natasja Hellenthal
It’s time for change! In a country with a cursed justice system, two women; a queen and her bodyguard set out on a secretive perilous quest. They hope to find the mysterious sorceress from The Magical Land Dochas, the only person powerful enough to be able to lift the curse. They have to hurry as they only have three weeks to save Tirsa’s teenage brother’s life, sentenced to hanging for a petty crime.

They seek the help of the Silent Folk; magical beings that dwell in the woods and clouds in this magical realm, from which few return and none emerge unchanged. But even with their help they seem to be getting no where fast. Time is running out…

Whilst they grow exceedingly fond of each other; their endurance and relationship is pushed to the limits as they try to break through the sorceress’ powerful magical traps and overcome all sorts of dangers. Each step of the way will take them closer to their goal, but questions arise; will she be willing to help them and for what price?
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